Caroline Sterr

unexpected methods

Caroline Sterr
unexpected methods

Back in January I chose a word for my year - restoration. The dream and the plan is to weave that word into your thoughts and actions, to let God use that word to guide you. But life gets busy and I’m forgetful. But I am also fortunate to have friends who remember my word, who call it out in my life and my plans, and it’s beautiful. And it’s hard, especially when I’m gently called out on my tendency to forget God’s faithfulness and provision. A smart guy on a big stage told us that sometimes God’s messages feel like a velvet two-by-four. That feels right, right now. Restoration sometimes looks like new growth, and growth means growing pains. Despite what my midwest roots tell me, I am not here to be comfortable. I am here to celebrate the struggles and the victories. I am called to find joy in knowing that there is a purpose in all of this, and that my small humanity can’t mess up God’s greater plan no matter how hard I try. He is good and He is sovereign and He is here.